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Grand Prix Slovakia 2024 Official Teams Invitation

Writer: Zuzana DeptováZuzana Deptová


once again we have the pleasure to welcome you to FIS Alpine Grand Prix Slovakia in Strbske Pleso, High Tatras.

In 2024 we celebrate the 69th year of The Grand Prix Slovakia, one of the oldest alpine ski races not only in Slovakia but in Europe. We are proud of its great history that is going hand in hand with the history of the alpine skiing sports in High Tatras and their popularization in our country.

Veľká cena Slovenska (VCS) sa po prvých ročníkoch, ktoré sa uskutočňovali ako najväčšie medzinárodné zjazdové preteky v bývalom Československu, konala 8-krát ako Európsky pohár a 6-krát ako preteky Svetového pohára. V roku 1974 sa nám dostalo cti usporiadať VCS ako finále Svetového pohára mužov a žien.

Year by year, we want to turn the Grand Prix Slovakia races into the highlight of the ski calendar, by providing both athletes with the best conditions to compete in iconic High Tatras Mountains and accredited guest and ski fans with new experiences and entertainment!

Let’s start the thrilling Grand Prix races again, wishing all participants a lot of fun and emotions in our wonderful mountains!


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